Esmu izglÄ«tots pieklÄjÄ«gs vÄ«rietis, 28 gadi. MeklÄju profesionÄlu meiteni ilgstošai nesmÄÄ·Äšanai un dzeršanai. Es bÅ«šu lojÄls un nekad nepametÄ«šu un necienÄ«šu tevi. Es vÄlos izdzÄ«vot savas dzÄ«ves labÄkos mirkļus š un vÄlos izveidot Ä£imeni, par kuru tu vari domÄt tikai iztÄlÄ. Man ir svarÄ«ga lojalitÄte, godÄ«gums un pilna laika apÅemšanÄs. Es nekad mÅ«Å¾Ä neesmu dzÄris un nesmÄÄ·Äjis. Es ļoti aizraujos ar karjeras izaugsmi kopÄ ar dzÄ«ves partneri, kurš atbalsta visos dzÄ«ves aspektos. JÅ«su augstÄkais intelektuÄlais lÄ«menis tiks ļoti novÄrtÄts. MÄs kopÄ varam darÄ«t brÄ«numus. Man ir ļoti labas zinÄšanas un pieredze jauna biznesa veidošanÄ un attÄ«stÄ«šanÄ, un man tas ļoti patiks, ja lÄ«dzi bÅ«s mans dzÄ«ves biedrs, kas mani atbalsta visos aspektos, vienlaikus sniedzot pozitÄ«vu motivÄcijas enerÄ£iju. Es vÄlos, lai tu bÅ«tu cilvÄks, kad skatos tavÄs acÄ«s, tavs smaids mani uzlÄdÄ un sniedz dzÄ«vÄ«gu enerÄ£iju no rÄ«ta vai saspringtÄs darba stundÄs.
Ja jÅ«s patiešÄm meklÄjat ilgtermiÅa partneri un vÄlaties dzÄ«vot jÄgpilnu dzÄ«vi ar kÄdu, kuram pirmÄ prioritÄte ir Ä£imene. Varat man rakstÄ«t, lai ieplÄnotu pirmo tikšanos jebkurÄ RÄ«gas kafejnÄ«cÄ
I am an educated polite man 28 year old. I am looking for a professional girl for long term no smoking no drinking. I will be loyal and never leave and disrespect you. I want to live the best moments š of my life you and want to create a family which you can only think in imagination. Loyalty honesty and full time commitment is important to me. I haven't drink or smoke ever in my life. I am very passionate about career growth along with a life partner who is supportive in all aspects of life. Your higher intellectual level will be very much appreciated. We can do wonders together I have very good knowledge and experience of building and growing a new business and I will really enjoy it if my life partner is along me supporting me in all aspects at same time provide positive motivational energy. I want you to be a person when I look into your eyes your smile recharge me and provide a vibrant energy in morning or during stressful hours of work.
If you are really looking for a long term partner and want live a meaningful life with someone who's first priority is family. You can write me to schedule a first meeting at any coffee shop in Riga