55 gadi
Riga, Latvija
Pēdējā vizīte: 1 pirms nedēļas
52 gadi
Sveiki, esmu precējies emigrants, kurš dzīvo Rīgā jau 8 gadus. Meklēju sievieti pastāvīgam un ikdienišķam darbam. Kāds meklē piedzīvojumus un atvērts jaunām lietām. Ķīmija ir svarīga. Atbildiet, nedaudz pastāstot par sevi.
Hello, I am a married expat who has lived in Riga for 8 years now. I am looking for a woman for someting ongoing and casual. Someone looking for adventure and open to new things. Chemistry is important. Reply back with a little about yourself.
Hello, I am a married expat who has lived in Riga for 8 years now. I am looking for a woman for someting ongoing and casual. Someone looking for adventure and open to new things. Chemistry is important. Reply back with a little about yourself.
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